Monday, February 2, 2009

Missing In Action

Dear Family,

As you can tell this blog hasn't been updated for quite some time...
The reason for this is that I finally got my mom to read the Twilight Series! I told her she wouldn't regret it and since then she has devoured 3 of the 4 books. She's on the 4th one right now(:
I can't tell you how many times we've watched the movie......actually I can, its been 7 times ha! We're counting down the days until the sequel, we're pretty stoked!(:

Since she's been busy reading, I thought I would take over her job(: I'll give a re-cap of the whole month since shes been MIA.
Dad- Wrestling, Wrestling, Wrestling, He referees wrestling, he watches wrestling, and coaches Brady on his wrestling. His passion for wrestling is very admirable(: He bought a Bread Maker Machine, and its pretty sweet. We made some last night and slathered it with butter. It tasted just like the bread Gramma Stones has(:
Mom- Busy reading, driving us kids to sports, and working on church stuff.
Me- Track conditioning....yuck.
Brady- Wrestling, and War-Craft..hes such a nerd ha!
Rylee- Basketball, she's a beast(:

That pretty much sums it up!

Love you all,